Please sponsor me
I will be doing a sponsored swim at Etwall Leisure Centre on Tuesday 26th April in order to raise funds for the trip. I am hoping to swim a total of 2500 meters - that's the length of 25 Russian N1 space rockets lying end to end!

If you'd like to sponsor me, please click on the button below which will let you pay by Paypal (all secure)!



Russian Space Centre

This is a full-size working model of Russian space station “MIR” which was taken down to ocean recently

This is the place where the astronauts live during their training period. All the servicemen with their families, engineers and other people working in the Russian space agency live here also, total there are 7500 people in this small town around the space agency.

That’s a monument of Gagarin, the first man in space ever. He says “Preved!” (hello, on russian) to all the people entering Russian space agency.

This is the bathroom inside of Russian segment of ISS. You can easily guess about what is for the thing with the white cover. And the thing with the yellow cover works like vaccum cleaner, used for the urination needs of the astronauts. It’s being said that women-astronauts experience difficulties with using that thing.

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