Please sponsor me
I will be doing a sponsored swim at Etwall Leisure Centre on Tuesday 26th April in order to raise funds for the trip. I am hoping to swim a total of 2500 meters - that's the length of 25 Russian N1 space rockets lying end to end!

If you'd like to sponsor me, please click on the button below which will let you pay by Paypal (all secure)!






Arrive in Moscow with transportation to the hotel in Korolev City.

Opening ceremony of Space Master Classes.

Introduce Korolev City and its space technology enterprises.

Discuss the program of events.


Sightseeing tour of Korolev City

Presentation by Professor Martynov on the following subjects:-

    "From Sputnik to Mars"

    "Scientific Laborotories in Space"

    "Manned Mission to Mars"

    "Space Technologies in our Life"

Visit to the Kremlin and Red Square

DAY 3 Visit to the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia

Examination of the samples of Russian space techniques (satellites, spacecarfts,
module of the space station)

Presentation: "Yesterday and Today of the space programmes in Russia"

Visit to Troitse - Sergyeva (Trinity) Lavra
DAY 4 Visit to the Space Training Centre in Star City

Examine the facility to train astronauts to fly into space using Russian
spacecraft "Soyuz", to live on work on board the International
Space Station.

Presentation: "Methods of astronaut training in Russia"

Meet a Russian astronaut

Visit to the Mission Control Centre

Examine the facility to to control the flights of Russian spacecraft and
the International Space Station

Presentation: "Methods to control the flight of the International
Space Station in co-operation with the Mission Control Centre in Houston,

Meet with Russian students - the winners of the International Space Olympics

DAY 6 Visit to Moscow

Pedestrian tour of "Old Moscow"

Visit to the World War II museum in Moscow
DAY 7 Return to UK


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