Please sponsor me
I will be doing a sponsored swim at Etwall Leisure Centre on Tuesday 26th April in order to raise funds for the trip. I am hoping to swim a total of 2500 meters - that's the length of 25 Russian N1 space rockets lying end to end!

If you'd like to sponsor me, please click on the button below which will let you pay by Paypal (all secure)!



Russian launch marks Gargarin's Anniversary

On the eve of the 50th anniversary of human space flight, Russia sent a fresh crew to the International Space Station. The Soyuz FG rocket carrying the Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft with a crew of three lifted off from Site 1 in Baikonur Cosmodrome on April 5, 2011, at 02:18:20 Moscow Summer Time. The vehicle departed from the same facility, which hosted the historic launch of Yuri Gagarin and the blastoff of the world's first artificial satellite. After a nine-minute powered flight, Soyuz TMA-21 entered orbit safely, mission control reported.

The Russian space agency, Roskosmos, officially dedicated the Soyuz TMA-21 launch to the pioneering mission of the Vostok spacecraft on April 12, 1961.

The docking of the Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft with the MIM-2 Poisk module of the International Space Station is scheduled for April 7, 2011, at 03:18:00 Moscow Time. The spacecraft and its crew is expected to remain at the outpost until September 2011.

Onboard the station, the crew of Soyuz TMA-21 will join three other members of Expedition 27, who arrived onboard the Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft in December 2010.

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